Unofficial GarouMUSH Wiki
  • Name: (name)
  • Location: (brief location description)
  • Composition: (list of tribes given membership)
  • Totem: (Totem or totems connected to the caern)
  • Nature: (nature of the caern (usually; Calm, Enigmas, Fertility, Gnosis, Healing, Honor, Humor, Kingship, Plenty, Rage, Stamina, Streetwise, Strength, Visions, Will, Wisdom, or Wyld))
  • Level: (1-5, check with wizards)
  • Sept Alpha: (name, rank, breed, tribe, auspice)
  • Caern Warder: (name, rank, breed, tribe, auspice)
  • Moon Bridges: (list septs to which this sept is connected)

  • Former Residents: (List of PCs or former PCs who have been members of this Sept)
  • Visitors: (List of PCs or former PCs who have visited, but not gained membership)
  • OOC Contact: (Current player responsible for this Sept, or Wizards if no such currently active player exists.)

Recent Events:

(Any noteworthy events that would impact use for PCs or story purposes, added after the Sept has been established in the game.)

