Unofficial GarouMUSH Wiki
  • Name: The Sept of Atomic Falls
  • Location: Idaho, between Atomic City and Idaho Falls
  • Composition: Get of Fenris and Shadow Lords
  • Totem: Unknown
  • Nature: Unknown
  • Level: Unknown
  • Sept Alpha: Unknown
  • Caern Warder: Unknown

  • Former Residents: None
  • Visitors: Jude
  • OOC Contact: Jude

History: This was once a Wendigo caern, but it fell to the Wyrm in the 1950's, when the atom bomb was big and used near the caern's location. Hooray for testing sites. Eventually, it was the Get of Fenris who won it back, and still fight off the Wyrm to this day (it's a rather constant struggle). There was an arrangement made that while the Get protect the caern physically, the Shadow Lords would protect it politically and keep the Wendigo from being able to reclaim it.
